I am a PhD student in Computer Science at the University of Toronto. As a member of ProSE, I'm supervised by Prof. Ningning Xie and Prof.Fan Long.
Previously, I visited UC Santa Barbara for a research internship supervised by Prof. Yu Feng. I did my B.Eng. in Computer Science at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, where I worked with Prof. Qinxiang Cao on compiler correctness verification.
I'm generally interested in Programming Languages concepts and techniques that helps people build sound and efficient softwares, especially in a principal way.
To be specific, I'm currently exploring topics like:
- Beautiful and practical type theory and systems (e.g. row poly, linear types, etc.)
- Interesting language features (e.g. staging, effect) done in a type-safe way
See also: Resume
Research Projects
Optimizing Compiler for ZK Circuits
In prep
advised by Prof. Yu Feng at CS@UCSB
Verification-aided Source Code Optimization
In prep
advised by Prof. Qinxiang Cao at JHC@SJTU
- CSC2125H: Blockchain Technology and Engineering. Winter 2024
- CSC324: Principles of Programming Languages. Fall 2024